Use Case

Quick Roof Solar Power Plant Inspection - Pixpro Photogrammetry and Waypoints

Quick Roof Solar Power Plant Inspection - Pixpro Photogrammetry and Waypoints

In this article, we have a use case of documenting and inspecting a newly built solar array that began operating recently. We will go through our process of aerial photogrammetry from start to finish.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Aug 21, 2024
Commercial Roof Scan and Inspection
Monitoring and Inspection

Commercial Roof Scan and Inspection

This blog post shares a real-world use case of a massive roof inspection job. The goal was to get a general scan of a commercial building roof for initial inspection and overview.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
May 23, 2024
Buying a Used Drone - Mavic 2 Pro in 2024

Buying a Used Drone - Mavic 2 Pro in 2024

Buying used gear is an excellent way to save money and obtain something that may not be on sale anymore. With drones reaching the 4th or 5th technological generation, the used drone market is becoming more extensive.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Mar 28, 2024
Quick Vehicle Accident Documentation with Photogrammetry

Quick Vehicle Accident Documentation with Photogrammetry

Photogrammetry is the ultimate form of documentation. If you are adept at doing photogrammetric scans, you can gather photographic data, resulting in a 3D scene that you can measure. Invaluable when the dependability of the data means solving disputes between people during legal processes.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Feb 29, 2024
Weather Conditions for Photogrammetry - Rain and Fog
Use Case

Weather Conditions for Photogrammetry - Rain and Fog

Winter in the northern hemisphere can be a severe limiting factor for millions of jobs. Including us - photogrammetrists who do aerial photogrammetry. In this blog post, we push the limits of wet weather and do some tests in heavy fog conditions and during light rain.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Feb 15, 2024
Pit Volume Measurement in Pixpro Photogrammetry

Pit Volume Measurement in Pixpro Photogrammetry

Volumetric measurements are a staple use case for photogrammetry. When it comes to negative volumes such as pits, basins, or valleys - things become even more straightforward than measuring piles of mounds of material.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Feb 08, 2024
Multi Camera Photogrammetry in Pixpro

Multi Camera Photogrammetry in Pixpro

Using two or more cameras in a single scan provides better coverage, detail, and convenience. But it also poses a few challenges. In this blog post, we will go over the fundamentals of combining two or more different imagery sources to get a successful 3D reconstruction in one go.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Feb 01, 2024
Drone Rules and Regulations - Worldwide Fundamentals
Use Case

Drone Rules and Regulations - Worldwide Fundamentals

Drones are toys, tools, and entertainment. For whatever purpose you use a drone - there are rules and regulations. These rules are becoming more mature, and everyone should understand what is allowed and how you should operate your flying machine.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Jan 18, 2024
Human Photogrammetry with a Single Camera

Human Photogrammetry with a Single Camera

Scanning a human being is quite a famous photogrammetry use case nowadays, from getting scans for fun to replicate yourself in 3D space to high-end CGI and medical applications. Often, you see people captured in multi-camera rigs, where photos are taken from all camera positions simultaneously.

Pixpro author avatar Pixpro Team
Nov 30, 2023

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