EU investment

Project title: Application of 5G Technologies in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Base Stations
Project No: 08-004-K-0016

The project's goal - to demonstrate and conduct the final testing and evaluation of unmanned aerial vehicle base station systems and mini-class unmanned aerial vehicle and charging station systems supported by 5G technology and intended for monitoring urban transport infrastructure. This project aims to modify base stations by integrating 5G technology and to fully automatically monitor urban transport infrastructure and provide statistical data using advanced photogrammetry and intelligent image recognition technologies. The project will result in the world's first base station system supported by 5G technology capable of fully automatically changing drone batteries for drones weighing up to 1 kg. Currently, there are no such base station systems in the world.

5G technology forms broad opportunities for market innovation, one of which is the operating principle of the products proposed in this project, based on the transmission of transport infrastructure monitoring data via 5G connection. Drones supported by 5G and artificial intelligence will be a sought-after product in the market, considering that cities, especially those aiming for smartness, seek to better utilize transport infrastructure and integrate it into smart traffic flow and infrastructure management systems.

Project implemented by: UAB "IT logika"
Project partners: UAB "Pixpro", UAB "Taikomasis dirbtinis intelektas", Vilnius University
Project budget: 5 160 157,24 EUR
Funding amount: 2 897 286,55 EUR
Start of project activities: 2024-01
End of project activities: 2025-12

The project is financed by the European Union “Next Generation Lithuania”.

Project “Development of Artificial Intelligence-based 3D Scene Photogrammetric Reconstruction Technology”
Project No: 13.1.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0087

On the 1st of October 2020, Pixpro, UAB in cooperation with the project partner UAB “Agmis” signed the agreement for the project “Development of Artificial Intelligence-based 3D Scene Photogrammetric Reconstruction Technology”.

During the implementation of the project, in cooperation with the high-tech company UAB “Agmis”, an AI-based photogrammetric technology for the 3D scene reconstruction will be developed. A project will be launched to carry out research and experimental development activities to develop artificial intelligence-based 3D scene photogrammetric technology that delivers high quality and performance on large sets of photographs.

Duration of the project: 30 months
Budget: 1 407 490,98
EU support: 992 715,43

The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Funded as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Project „Implementation of R&D in order to create an innovative system of development of competencies, employing the principles of virtual reality”
Project No: J05-LVPA-K-04-0051

On the 18th April 2019, Pixpro, UAB signed the agreement for the project „Implementation of R&D in order to create an innovative system of development of competencies, employing the principles of virtual reality”.

The project aims at creating a new and unique competencies development system employing the principles of virtual reality and photogrammetry.
During the project implementation period, i.e. executing the experimental and R&D activities, the new automated educational system for the competencies development shall be created. The system shall be based on the principles of VR and photogrammetry.

The system shall consist of:

  • Automated environment scanning product;
  • Automated product for the reconstruction of the 3D environment;

Duration of the project: 24 months

Budget: 745 251,37
EU support: 335 363,16

The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project „Raising the notability  and competitiveness of Pixpro UAB by expanding the export markets”
Project No 03.2.1-LVPA-K-801-05-0298

On the 27th September 2019, Pixpro, UAB signed the agreement for the project „Raising the notability  and competitiveness of Pixpro UAB by expanding the export markets”

Pixpro UAB is a successful IT sector company developing innovative, high value-added products. Pixpro UAB aims at becoming competitive and prominent in the markets, and increasing its export performance by developing and implementing new innovative products. Currently, the company’s export geography is concentrated in several key markets. In order to expand the geographic export scope whilst  developing innovative products and performing R&D activities, it is necessary to raise awareness and worldwide notability.

For this purpose, a project involving 8 international exhibitions on priority and target markets will be implemented. The project implementation shall strengthen the company’s position in foreign markets and allow increasing export volumes. The project will directly and positively impact the company’s notability as well as grow customer base. The estimated project results (higher turnover and increasing exports) will contribute to the company’s growth and add to the national economy stimulus as well as increase the competitiveness.

Duration of the project: 24 months
Budget: 83.954
EU support: 41.977

The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

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